Chapter 1


dated January 18, 2001

on horse races.

(Journal of Acts dated February 14, 2001)

Chapter 1

General Provisions

Art. 1.

The Act regulates the rules of organizing horse races on the territory of the Republic of Poland as well as the activity of the Polish Jockey Club.

Art. 2.

The terms used in the Act shall have the following meaning;

  1. horse races -races conducted in accordance with the annual plan, approved by the President of the Polish Jockey Club, organized in order to select the appropriate breed of race horses,
  2. races-public trials, whose purpose is to evaluate the form of the horses, conducted on race tracks in accordance with provisions of the law and the rules of horse races.
  3. Race track -an area which meets the requirements set out by the President of the Polish Jockey Club, where horse races occur either on a regular basis or periodically,
  4. Organizer of horse races – an entity organizer who was granted a permit by the President of the Polish Jockey Club to organize horse races,
  5. Race stable -a separate organizational unit, under a specified name, in which horses are prepared for races by a trainer, which was filed with the President of the Polish Jockey Club,
  6. Horse owner -an entity, under whose surname or name as well as colors, a given horse participates in races, having the right to enter the horse in races,
  7. Trainer -a physical entity preparing horses for participating in races, having a license form the President of the Polish Jockey Club,
  8. Jockey -a physical entity riding the horse in a given race, who has a license from the President of the Polish Jockey Club to ride horses,
  9. Race judge -a physical entity supervising the races as a member of the technical commission, appeals commission or a technical judge, who has a license from the President of the Polish Jockey Club,
  10. Technical judge -a race judge, conducting activities set out in the rules of horse races on the race track on the day of a given race,
  11. Technical commission -a group of race judges, appointed by the President of the Polish Jockey Club, conducing supervision ensuring that the provisions of the rules of horse races are complied with,
  12. Appeals commission – a group of race judges, appointed by the President of the Polish Jockey Club,
  13. An offense -an action subject to disciplinary action which violates the provisions of the rules of horse races,
  14. An objection -a claim of reservation with respect to non-compliance with the provisions of the rules of horse races filed by a individual with such right by a deadline and procedure set out in the rules.

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