Chapter 6


dated January 18, 2001

on horse races.

(Journal of Acts dated February 14, 2001)


Chapter 6

Final and Transitional provisions

Art. 29.
  1. Rights to train or ride horses acquired on the grounds of racing rules of horse races shall remain in effect.
  2. Entities which have up until now organized horse races shall retain their right to organize horse races for term of 6 months of the date this Act coming into force.
Art. 30.

The minister having jurisdiction over agricultural matters shall appoint a Council of the club within three months of this Act coming into force.

Art. 31.
  1. The act on horse races (Journal of Acts Nr 20, pos. 173 dated 1958, nr 11, pos. 40 and , nr 19, pos. 122 dated 1976 and Nr 68, pos. 341 dated 1992).
  2. Up until the time the rules of horse racing come into effect, however, no longer than 6 months of the day this act comes into force, the racing rules of horse races shall remain in force.
Art. 32.

This Act comes into force upon the lapse of 14 days of its announcement.